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Desalination |
Seawater desalination has been growing rapidly in the past few years. The desalination process may be carried out using a variety of techniques, but PT. ENERBA TEKNOLOGI focusing on reverse osmosis (RO) technique that is currently the most efficient and effective desalination process. After years of engineering research & technology development, we are ready to develop a desalination solution to address water shortage in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. |
Water Treatment Plant |
PT ENERBA TEKNOLOGI is a reliable partner in providing high quality water treatment solutions. We continue to update the development of water treatment technologies globally. We deliver solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of customers in all sectors of industry, whatever the type, quality and quantity of water requiring treatment. One of technologies that we use in order to deliver high quality water is membrane technology. |
Waste Water Treatment Plant |
PT. ENERBA TEKNOLOGI is one of the companies in Indonesia, which focuses on water and wastewater treatment that has been using the latest innovative technology with ENERBA™ AOP-S. ENERBA™ AOP-S is the most promising emerging oxidation processes and are anticipated to play a crucial role in water & wastewater treatment as stand-alone processes or in combination with conventional technologies. |
Fermentor System |
ENERBA FERMENTOR is widely used within the Pharmaceutical and Food industries. Enerba automation enables monitoring, recording, analysing and controlling of fermentation system. We have automated a wide range of fermenters from laboratory scale up to industrial scale. |