ENERBA AOP are well applied to industry and non-industrial sectors, hotels, apartments, restaurants, and others that generate waste water for disposal or reuse.
Area Of Opportunities
> Groundwater
> Odor and VOC’s
> Surface water
> Swimming Pools
> Water Recyling
> Disinfection
> Industrial wastewater
> Industrial sludges
> Municipal wastewater
> Leachates
> Municipal sludges
> Ultrapure
AOP system that we build for the needs of users of PT. Pertamina on waste generated water produced, this handling is intended to provide completion on waste water that is ready discharged into the city channel
Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Taman Tekno
Jl. Raya Tekno Widya Blok H 11 No. 10, Setu, Tangerang Selatan 15310
Phone: 021-2966-2477
Email: info@enerba-teknologi.co.id
Mobile:+62 812 9811 2013