ENERBA - AOP is the most promising emerging oxidation processes and are anticipated to play a crucial role in water& wastewater treatment as stand-alone processes or in combination with conventional technologies. The process uses unique combinations of ozone, UV, hydrogen peroxide and if needed a proprietary catalyst to enable municipal & industrial customers to meet stringent environmental and water reuse.
The ENERBA AOP can efficiently treat a wide range of non-biodegradable COD, TOC and VOC.
Treatment Method:
The process which utilize hydroxil radical (OH ) a highly reactive oxidant that destroy most pollutant in wastewater
> Can handle complex compounds
> Remove color and odor
> Does not produce sludge
> Compact unit, need up 20% space
from conventional
AOP system that we build for the needs of users of PT. Pertamina on waste generated water produced, this handling is intended to provide completion on waste water that is ready discharged into the city channel
Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Taman Tekno
Jl. Raya Tekno Widya Blok H 11 No. 10, Setu, Tangerang Selatan 15310
Phone: 021-2966-2477
Email: info@enerba-teknologi.co.id
Mobile:+62 812 9811 2013