Enerba Ultrafiltration (UF) plants are designed to treat surface water, tertiary treated effluent, storm water and waste water to achieve potable/process water or may be used as pre-treatment to reverse osmosis. They treat a wide range of highly variable waters with <300
NTU of turbidity and <150 mg/L of suspended solids. The standard treatment process includes pre filtration (150 micron screen filter), Ultrafiltration process, Air Scour System,
Maintenance Clean System and CIP/Recovery Clean system for
membrane cleaning. Additional pre or post UF treatment steps may be added to suit feed or filtered water requirements such as iron removal, pH correction or sterilisation
Benefit & Advantages of Using UF System
> Ease of operation
> Space saving
> Self cleaning
> Low maintenance
> Completely germ free in the filtrate
> Complete elimination of parasites, complete elimination of all particles 0,05 micrometer
> Only partial failure possible e.g. in case of fibre rupture; the majority of germs will be held back
> Will remove turbidity completely, no disturbance of disinfection at all by turbidity
> Low consumption in power and chemicals, no regular changing of parts; no pumping energy required when used as bacteria barrier in drinking water networks
> Complete removal of the germs out of the drinking water
> Complete removal of the germs at the start, the distribution system will remain totally unaffected
Ultrafiltration system is made to solve clean water problem with peat water source, for Pekanbaru area with peat soil condition and no source of clean water that can be consumed
Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Taman Tekno
Jl. Raya Tekno Widya Blok H 11 No. 10, Setu, Tangerang Selatan 15310
Phone: 021-2966-2477
Email: info@enerba-teknologi.co.id
Mobile:+62 812 9811 2013